Useful information

Are the products authentic?

Each item is inspected by multiple Bricks Club employees. With the knowledge and tools available, our specialists can determine if an item is original and has not been used. Only items that are deemed to be 100% authentic will be released to the buyer.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Domestic shipments are made through our courier service and have an estimated delivery time of 2 to 5 business days and 4 to 10 business days for international shipments. The shipping cost will be automatically calculated at the time of purchase in depending on the weight and destination of the package.

Can I return my order?

At Bricks Club we strive to offer our customers exclusive and top quality products. For this reason, we do not accept returns or issue refunds, except in cases where the product arrives in poor condition or is not the product requested.

What do I do if I have received a different model than the one I ordered?

In this case, please contact our support team as soon as possible so we can investigate what happened and provide you with a solution.